Archive 2019

Three Palm Software announces WorkstationOne 1.8.8

Carmel, CA, 4 June 2019

The 1.8.8 release of WorkstationOne is now available for customer installs. Short descriptions of the changes in this release are included in the release notes which are available to all customers. There are a number of enhancements in this release, along with fixes for several minor problems – the highlights being the three areas listed below.

Expanded CAD and Decision Support

With this release, WorkstationOne has expanded support for a number of new mammography CAD vendors (there are custom mechanisms for approximately 20 vendors). This includes mechanisms such as a score that can be extracted and displayed automatically on the worklist. Interactive “decision support” is included for products such as ScreenPoint’s Transpara.

Decision support markers interactively displayed on a tomosynthesis study

Improved UI scaling

With the wider use of high resolution color monitors (e.g., for the worklist) and the improved support for UI scaling in Windows 10, many customers now run with the UI scaled to > 100%. This release honors the scaling of the primary screen (but not different scaling per screen), so that the user interface (particularly user configuration dialogs) are more easily seen on high-resolution navigation monitors.

Display performance

While earlier releases supported Direct3D 11 for display (the preferred mechanism on Windows 10), that pipeline was most reliable in non-accelerated (i.e., CPU rendering) mode. Additional work has been included in this release, so the “accelerated” (i.e., use of the GPU for rendering) is more reliable, which can mean a speed improvement for display-intensive operations.